Project Updates

Another area is being prepared for more tree planting. Large rocks were cleared, geotextile and mulching were used while soil was levelled on top. (Action C5)

Works on walls number 115 and 41 are moving according to schedule. (Action C2)

The construction of rubble walls to support the flow of rain water in front of wall number 63 is now complete. (Action C2)

All works related with wall number 47 are now complete. (Action C2)

Stake fencing were put up along walking paths in regenerated areas to protect planted trees, to guide visitors and for safety measures. (Action C5)

Ploughing of regenerated and tree planted areas is being done regularly at this time of the year. This improves air circulation so that roots can respire easily. Roots can also…

Works on walls number 47 and 115 are in their final stages. (Action C2).

25 new trees were planted in a renovated area as part of Action C2.

Removal if invasive species Arundo donax from Wied il-Luq as part of Action C4.